Investor Profile


This article will review the power and benefits behind how our Investor Profiles work. By understanding the philosophy and goal of an Investor, you can begin analyze and calculate similarities between one trader and the next regarding their investment strategies and goals. In these scenarios, you can begin to analyze how decisions are made when utilizing specific trading strategies and begin to pre-calculate the results based on historical data and events in comparison to Real-Time Data and forward-looking analysis.

With that thought in mind, one of our goals at MyMI Wallet is to obtain, compile, analyze and predict. By doing so, we compile all Financial Investment Data that we obtain and analyze the results by utilizing our Backtesting/Trading Algorithms, Investor Sentiment, and Trend Analysis to predict futuristic price movements within specific financial markets and securities.

Investor Profile & Demographics

Our Investor Profiles are designed to capture specific datasets from all of our investors regarding profile demographics, long-term trading strategies & current financial positioning. Our algorithms include income/expense ratios, portfolio diversity & management strategies, and investor preferences to calculate certain key performance indicators on a per investor use-case basis.

For more details on the information we capture, view the following links below:

Premium Brokerage Integrations

At MyMI Wallet, we aim to provide the ability to account for every investment account an investor may hold with a financial brokerage firm. By utilizing our Premium Brokerage Integrations, Investors gain the ability to compile all of their financial data and information into one place to further conduct their analysis or utilize our Pre-defined Accounting and Analytical Algorithms.

Once Investors utilize our Premium Brokerage Integrations, they are authorizing MyMI Wallet to access their account information, current holdings, and historical investments. We can obtain up to 15+ years of financial data (per account) and store that information in our databases to provide the ability to determine specific analysis on all the data acquired.

To view a list of the financial brokerages that we currently integrate with, click the link below:

Investor Performance Analytics

Once we have compiled all the financial data an Investor provides, we continue forward by conducting an Initial Investment Evaluation across the Investor's Linked Brokerage Accounts. MyMI Wallet's Analytical Algorithms are designed to include Previous Trade History & Performance Analysis, Historic/Real-Time Trend Analysis, and overall Investor Sentiment within the MyMI Community to assist in calculating trade opportunities across all financial markets.

Updating Investor Profile

You can access your Investor Profile by visiting the link below:

In your Investor Profile, you can view/change the following information:

Investor Marketplace

Gaining the ability to compile all that information to be offered for trade on an Asset-Based Marketplace allows even newcomers to the financial markets to gain the same value in data that a Hedge Fund would receive. It's fair to say that on the flip side of Institutional Investments dominating the movement in the markets, that movement still depends on that of even the Retail Investor. And whether any of us like it or not, the big box is capturing every bit of information about us as users to their applications.

At MyMI Wallet, we incentivize investors for simply participating in something that is going to happen anyway. Our Investors can participate in Auctioned Assets that require a piece of information the Investor may have collected over time.

Resources & Tools

Gain access to our Resources and Tools at MyMI Wallet to help optimize your tragedy strategy and improve your long-term wealth growth. Investors can utilize our Accounting & Analytical Solutions to understand where they're losing and optimize their likeliness to invest and win even more.

MyMI Asset Creator

With our MyMI Asset Creator, Investors gain the ability to create their investment projects and pools tailored to whatever use-case they could imagine. You can auction/sell your investment data direct to business by utilizing our MyMI Exchange & Marketplace.

With the MyMI Exchange/Marketplace, Investors gain the ability to profit from their financial and investment data. Big Box Companies are constantly polling your user data every second of the day, as long as anything you do is online. At MyMI Wallet, we feel that you should take advantage of the value of your data by allowing Investors to opt into our Auctionable Assets.